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What is Racing Kings chess?
What is Racing Kings chess?

Learn the rules of Racing Kings and race to get your king to the 8th rank before your opponent!

Updated over 3 months ago

Racing Kings on

Racing Kings is a chess variant where the ultimate goal of each player is to move their king to the eighth rank. Both players view the board from the same perspective, there are no pawns, and the game begins with a mirrored setup of pieces:

Racing Kings board set up.

Rules of Racing Kings

The pieces all move and capture in the usual way, with one very important exception:

you are not allowed to make any move that would put your opponent's king in check.

In the below position, Black would like to capture White's lightsquare bishop with his bishop, but can't, because that would put the white king in check. White has protected the bishop by moving his king on the same diagonal:

One final important rule is in place to make up for white's first move advantage: Black is the only side that can draw the game. If White gets their king to the eighth rank, and then Black also gets their king to the eighth on the very next move, the game will be a draw.

Ready to give it a try? Click here to play Racing Kings!

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