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What does upvoting/downvoting a comment do?
What does upvoting/downvoting a comment do?

Learn how to upvote or downvote comments on to highlight useful content or reduce visibility of negative contributions.

Updated over 5 months ago

Upvoting/Downvoting content on

Members can upvote or downvote content such as comments, forum posts, and club notes, which helps improve the quality of discussions by making valuable content more visible and pushing down negative or unhelpful comments.

By allowing members to vote, we create a more positive and constructive environment where the best content stands out.

How to upvote or downvote comments

To upvote or downvote, simply click the up or down arrow in the upper-right corner of the post or comment.

How to upvote or downvote content on


  • Only logged-in members can vote. Guests, logged-out members, muted accounts, or non-activated accounts cannot.

  • You cannot upvote or downvote your own content.

  • You can change your vote at any time.

  • Each upvote adds +1 to the content's score, while each downvote subtracts -1.

  • Content with low scores may appear grayed out or, if the score is too low, may be hidden from view.

Important information

  • If you encounter abusive content (e.g., racism, sexism, or harassment), please report it directly to us. You can also downvote inappropriate content to help hide it.

  • We have systems in place to prevent abuse of the voting system and take

    action against those who misuse it.

πŸ“š Check out this article to learn how to report a member: How do I report someone?

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