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What Chat Commands can I Use in Game Chat?
What Chat Commands can I Use in Game Chat?
Updated over 11 months ago

There is a large variety of commands you can use in the console and/or in game chat! To see a list of all of them, type /help in the console.

Here are all the commands listed below!

List of general commands:

  • /follow Follows a member's games / prints a list of followed members. Example: /follow Bishop or /follow

  • /unfollow Stops following a member / stops following all. Example: /unfollow Bishop or /unfollow

  • /friend Sends a friend request. Example: /friend Bishop

  • /observe Observes ongoing member's games. Example: /observe Bishop

  • /top Observes top games of the type bullet, blitz, standard or friend. Example: /top friend, /top blitz

  • /play /challenge Challenges a member with specified clock settings. Example: /play Bishop 2 12 - if you want the game to be unrated, add β€˜u’ at the end. Example: /play Bishop 2 12 u

  • /partner /+partner Request bughouse partnership. Example: /partner Bishop

  • /nopartner /-partner Leave bughouse partnership. Example: /nopartner

Game commands

  • /abort Aborts the current game

  • /ping Checks your lag or a member's lag. When in a game, it checks both players' lag. Example: /ping or /ping Bishop

Keyboard/mouse shortcuts:

There are also some keyboard and mouse shortcuts, not listed there, which you can use in game:

  • Press X to flip board.

  • Press Z to go into focus mode.

  • Press Arrow Right to go to next move on board.

  • Press Arrow Left to go to the previous move on board.

  • Press Arrow Up to go to the first move on board.

  • Press Arrow Down to go to the last move on the board.

  • Press ctrl/shift + Right Click on a square to highlight green.

  • Press alt + Right Click on a square to highlight blue.

  • Right Click on a square to highlight red.

  • Hold Right Click from one square to another to draw arrow on board.

  • Hold alt key to temporarily disable auto-queen.

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