There is a large variety of commands you can use in the console and/or in game chat! To see a list of all of them, type /help in the console.
Here are all the commands listed below!
List of general commands:
/follow Follows a member's games / prints a list of followed members. Example: /follow Bishop or /follow
/unfollow Stops following a member / stops following all. Example: /unfollow Bishop or /unfollow
/friend Sends a friend request. Example: /friend Bishop
/observe Observes ongoing member's games. Example: /observe Bishop
/top Observes top games of the type bullet, blitz, standard or friend. Example: /top friend, /top blitz
/play /challenge Challenges a member with specified clock settings. Example: /play Bishop 2 12 - if you want the game to be unrated, add βuβ at the end. Example: /play Bishop 2 12 u
/partner /+partner Request bughouse partnership. Example: /partner Bishop
/nopartner /-partner Leave bughouse partnership. Example: /nopartner
Game commands
/abort Aborts the current game
/ping Checks your lag or a member's lag. When in a game, it checks both players' lag. Example: /ping or /ping Bishop
Keyboard/mouse shortcuts:
There are also some keyboard and mouse shortcuts, not listed there, which you can use in game:
Press X to flip board.
Press Z to go into focus mode.
Press Arrow Right to go to next move on board.
Press Arrow Left to go to the previous move on board.
Press Arrow Up to go to the first move on board.
Press Arrow Down to go to the last move on the board.
Press ctrl/shift + Right Click on a square to highlight green.
Press alt + Right Click on a square to highlight blue.
Right Click on a square to highlight red.
Hold Right Click from one square to another to draw arrow on board.
Hold alt key to temporarily disable auto-queen.