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How do I add, remove, or change a club admin?
How do I add, remove, or change a club admin?
Updated over a week ago

If you need some help managing your club, you may want to promote some members to an admin role, or even a super admin role. Here’s how!

  1. From your club home page, click on ‘members’ on the right sidebar.

  1. Find the member you want to promote, click on the ‘action’ dropdown, and choose ‘promote to admin.’

The member will now be able to do the following:

  • Edit club settings and info

  • Add a theme (background image and colors)

  • Create, accept, and view team Vote Chess and Team Matches

  • Send club invitations

  • Delete forums and comments

  • Send messages to all members of the club

Super admins

Super admins have all the powers of a normal admin, but unlike normal admins, they can also promote other members to admin or super admin, or demote members.

To promote a member to super admin, the member must have a premium membership, or the option will not be available.

Be very careful who you choose to promote to super admin. This member will have the power to demote and remove both admins and other super admins (including you!)

All super admins will see these options in the ‘action’ dropdown for other super admins

What if the super admin is inactive or has left

Sometimes the situation arises where the only super admin in a club is no longer active, and thus is not around to create new super admins. In this case, club members can vote to replace the super admin.

  1. From the club homepage, on the right sidebar, click on the ‘forum’ option

  2. Create a new topic, and have club members vote in the forum on whether to replace the inactive super admin, and who they should be replaced with.

  3. Once a decision is reached in the forum, contact support and provide a link to the forum. Support will reach out to the owner (DM and email) and wait 48-72 hours for any feedback. Then, support will be able to replace the inactive super admin.

Please note that this process does not apply to any Official or Affiliate club.

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