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How do draws work?
How do draws work?
Updated over 4 months ago

Draws on

While winning or losing a chess game is generally straightforward, draws can be more complex. Here are the primary ways a chess game can end in a draw:


A stalemate occurs when a player, although not in check, has no legal moves left.

For example, if White, with an extra pawn, pushes it to the end, leaving the Black king with no legal moves, the game ends in a draw by stalemate.

Chess Stalemate

📰 Check out this article to learn more about Stalemate: What is Stalemate in Chess | Definition + Examples

Insufficient material

In chess, having more pieces does not always guarantee a win, especially if the combination of pieces cannot force checkmate. The game is declared a draw when neither player has enough material to secure a checkmate.

For example, if White has all the pieces while Black has only a king, and White runs out of time, the game is still a draw because the Black player cannot checkmate with just a king.

This situation, often referred to as 'timeout vs. insufficient material,' highlights that running out of time does not always result in a loss—sometimes, it results in a draw.

📚 Check out this article to learn more about Insufficient material: For more details on insufficient material draws, see here.

50-Move rule

The 50-move rule in chess allows either player to claim a draw if no pawn has been moved and no capture has been made in the last 50 moves. This rule is designed to prevent endless games where neither player is making progress.

Historically, chess games could last longer since 100 moves were once allowed without a pawn move or a capture. automatically ends live games in a draw if the 50-move limit is reached. For Daily games, you must manually claim the draw by clicking the draw button. Once 50 moves have passed, your opponent does not need to accept, and the game will be declared a draw.

📰 Check out this article on to learn more about the 50-move rule: 50-Move Rule

Draw by repetition

The threefold repetition rule states that a player can claim a draw if the same position arises three times in a game. This rule prevents games from repeating indefinitely with the same moves.

On, a draw is automatically declared on the third repetition in Live games. The repeated positions do not need to occur consecutively; as long as the same position appears three times at any point in the game, a draw is declared.

📚 Check out this article to learn more about draw by repetition: I got a draw by repetition, how did that happen?

Draw by agreement

A draw by agreement occurs when both players mutually decide to end the game in a draw, often because they believe that neither can gain a significant advantage. While common, such agreements can be controversial if made early in a game, especially when influenced by tournament standings.

To offer a draw on, simply click the draw button.

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