After finishing a game on, you’ll see a green 'Game Review' button on the game over pop-up message as well as on the right side of the screen.
Click on it to start your game review and receive a detailed analysis of the game you just played!
Check out this article to learn how to navigate Game Review on the app: How do I use Game Review on the app?
Once you click 'Game Review' a window will appear on the right side of the board, showing various statistics and analyses about the game.
Game Graph: This graph indicates who had the advantage at each stage of the game. After each move, the engine evaluates the position and updates the graph, providing a visual representation of the game’s progress. The Coach provides a brief, one-line summary of how the game unfolded. In the example graph above you can see that it was a pretty tight game, but Black suddenly lost in the end!
Accuracy: This score, ranging from 0 to 100, represents how accurately you played according to the engine’s evaluations. The more you make the best moves, the higher your accuracy score will be.
Check out this article to learn more about accuracy: How is Accuracy in analysis determined?
Move classification
Each move in your game will be categorized into one of the following:
Details |
| The best move - and tricky to find too! |
| A move that altered the course of the game! |
| The chess engine's top choice |
| Almost as good as the Best move |
| A decent move but not the best |
| A conventional opening move |
| A weak move |
| A bad move that immediately worsens your position |
| A move that missed a tactical opportunity or a chance to punish the opponent |
| A very bad move that also loses material or the game |
Navigating Game Review
Coach audio
You can now have the coach read the game review aloud, letting you focus entirely on the board without needing to read the feedback. If you prefer not to listen, simply click the speaker icon in the top right corner to mute the coach.
Moving through the review
You can navigate through your game by using the arrows at the bottom of your screen or the arrow keys on your keyboard. The coach's feedback will be updated with each move.
Alternatively, click 'Next' to review the key moves in the game.
Key moves
A key move on refers to a critical move during a game that significantly influences the outcome or course of the match.
The first key move is usually the last book move. You can scroll down within the coach's speech bubble to view:
The name of the opening played. Clicking on it will take you to the Openings page, where you can learn more about it.
The number of times you have played that opening and the results achieved.
A suggested course to help you improve on the opening played.
If a key move could have been better, you’ll have the chance to 'Retry' the move.
Click 'Show Moves' to see what the computer predicts will happen after your move. This helps you understand why a move was a blunder or mistake.
Click 'Retry' to replay the position and try to find the best move. If you find the correct move, you’ll see what your positional score would have been:
If you choose incorrectly, the Coach will provide feedback on your selected move.
Click the gear icon ('Settings') located in the top-right corner, outside the board, to access your game review settings:
Description |
Show Best Move | Toggle this option to see the best possible move displayed on the board:
If you prefer not to automatically see the best move, toggle it off. You can then click the 'Best Move' button to reveal the best move when you choose.
Show Played and Best Move Speech Bubbles |
When toggled on, this option displays the move that was played and the best possible move within the Coach's speech bubble. Simply scroll down within the speech bubble to view the best move. |
Review As | You can choose to review the game as White, Black, or both.
Reviewing the game from your opponent's perspective allows you to see their great moves and mistakes and learn from them! |
Show Move Classification On Board | Turn this off to hide the classification icons on the board during your game review.
Autoplay Show Moves | When this option is enabled, moves will automatically play when you click 'Show Moves'
If it's turned off, you'll need to navigate through the moves manually. |
Delay Between Moves |
Select the speed at which the next move will be played: one, three, five, seven, or ten seconds between moves. |
Show Coach | Disable this option if you prefer not to have the coach visible during your game review.
If you do wish to have the coach, you can select from one of our six available coaches: |