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What are badges and cheers? How do I give them?
What are badges and cheers? How do I give them?
Updated over a week ago

Awards are a fun way to congratulate your opponent on a good game, a good move, or just for fun!

There are two kinds of awards you can send someone: Badges, and Cheers. The different award types are sent in different ways.


Badges are game-related awards, and must be sent from within a game!

After you finish a game with someone, go open the game from your archive and click on the 'info' tab:

Depending on your browser window size, you may have to scroll down to see the 'send award' option.

Click on 'send award' and you can send that player an award for that game!

Awards sent in this way are game related such as 'good game' and 'pawn magician' and many others.


If you want to send someone an award just to say hi, or sorry, or anything else that has nothing to do with any particular game, that requires a different route!

To send a Cheer, click on the name of the person you want to give the award to, then click 'give award'

You may have to click 'more' first to see this option:

Next, you'll have a list of the Cheers to choose from!

These can include 'happy birthday' 'enjoy a taco' 'I'm sorry' and many others.

To see what awards YOU have, hover over 'home' on the left side of the screen, and select 'awards'

Your achievements, trophies, Badges, and Cheers will be listed here!

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