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How do I add, remove, or change a club admin?
How do I add, remove, or change a club admin?

Learn how to manage your club's admins and the process for replacing an inactive super admin through a club vote.

Updated over 5 months ago

Managing Club admins

If you need some help managing your club, you may want to promote some members to an admin role, or even a super admin role. Here's how to do it:

How to promote a member from your club to Admin or Super Admin

  • From your club home page, click on 'Members' on the right sidebar

  • Locate the member you wish to promote

  • Click on the 'Action' dropdown menu next to their name and choose 'Promote to Admin' or 'Promote to Super Admin' from the options.

Managing club roles on

What actions can Admin and Super Admins perform?


  • Modify club settings and information.

  • Customize the club's theme with background images and colors.

  • Initiate, accept, and view team Vote Chess and Team Matches.

  • Extend club invitations to potential members.

  • Delete forums and comments.

  • Send messages to all members of the club.

Super Admins

Super admins have all the capabilities of a regular admin. Additionally, they have the authority to promote other members to admin or super admin status, as well as to demote members.

To promote a member to super admin, the member must have a premium membership, or the option will not be available.

πŸ“ Choose carefully when promoting someone to super admin. They will have the power to demote or remove admins, other super admins, and even you.

What if the Super Admin is inactive or has left

In cases where the only super admin in a club is inactive, club members can vote to replace the super admin through a club-wide vote.

  • From the club homepage, click on 'Forums' from the menu on the right side:

Clubs menu on
  • Create a new topic in the forum and invite club members to vote on whether to replace the inactive super admin and who they should be replaced with.

  • Once a decision is reached in the forum, contact the Support team and provide a link to the forum. Support will reach out to the owner - DM and email, and wait 48-72 hours for any feedback. Then, the Support team will be able to replace the inactive super admin.

Eligibility requirements for Super Admin status

  • They need to have been a member of the club for at least 6 months.

  • Demonstrate active participation in the club, including forums, chats, and events.

  • Maintain good standing within the club.

  • Be at least 16 years old - documentation may be requested for verification.

πŸ“ This process does not apply to any Official or Affiliate club. The support team reserves the right to deny any requests for transferring Super Admin or Owner permissions after review.

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