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How do I get a PGN of my game?
How do I get a PGN of my game?

Download single or bulk PGNs, with or without analysis on both the website and mobile apps.

Updated over a month ago

Download a PGN


Downloading a PGN from a game window

  1. Open the game you want to get the PGN of and click the 'Share' icon at the bottom of the Analysis tab.

    An image showcasing the post-game Analysis panel on highlighting the Share icon

  2. From the pop-up window, select the 'PGN' tab and click 'Download.'

    • If you want the PGN to include timestamps, check the box next to the clock icon.

    An image showing the PGN tab in the Share pop-up window on highlighting the timestamp icon

PGN with Analysis

If you want your PGN to include any analysis you've done, first run the game analysis, then click the 'Share' icon at the bottom of the right-side panel.

An image of the Analysis screen on highlighting the Share icon

Select 'PGN' from the pop-up screen and check the boxes for the information you want to save in your PGN:

An image of the PGN tab on the Share pop-up window on




Select this option to save your PGN with any of the options you have checked the boxes for:

  • Highlights: Save your highlighted moves, squares on the board, or any drawn arrows in your PGN.

  • Comments: Save any comments or notations you've added during Analysis directly into your PGN.

  • PGN Timestamp: Select the checkbox if you'd like your PGN to include timestamps.

Computer Analysis

Select this option to include the Computer Analysis in your PGN file.

An image showing the PGN tab in the Share pop-up window

You can choose to save either your annotations or the computer analysis with your PGN, but not both.

Bulk PGN Download

To download multiple PGNs at once, go to your Game History or the Game History of the player whose games you'd like to save and select individual games by checking their boxes, or click the top checkbox next to the 'Date' dropdown to select them all. Then, click the 'Download' icon to save your selected games.

Make sure to check or uncheck the clock icon next to the download button, depending on whether you want timestamps included.

An image showing NM SamCopeland's Game History on highlighting the PGN bulk download option

Check out this article to learn how to load your PGN to analyze it: How do I use the analysis board?



  1. To get a PGN on Android, first open the game you want.

  2. Tap 'More' in the lower left and choose 'Export PGN.'

    • Alternatively, you can also get a hyperlink to share your game by tapping 'Share Game' instead.

    An image showing the available post-game options on the Android app highlighting the Export PGN option

  3. A new window will open. Depending on your phone's settings, you can send the PGN via text or other social media apps you have installed.

    • Alternatively, tap 'Copy' to copy the PGN text, which you can then paste into a document or email of your choice.

    An image showing the different options a game can be shared on the Android app


  1. Open the game and click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of your screen to open Game Analysis.

    An image showing the post game screen on the iOS app highlighting the Analysis icon

  2. On the Analysis screen, tap 'Options' from the bottom menu, then select 'Share.'

    An image showing the options section on Game Analysis on the iOS app

  3. A new window will open. Depending on your phone's settings, you can send the PGN via text or other social media apps you have installed.

    • Alternatively, tap 'Copy' to copy the PGN text, which you can then paste into a document or email of your choice.

    An image showing the different options a game can be shared on the iOS app

Check out this article to learn more about PGNs: What are PGN & FEN?

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