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What does 'percentile' mean?
What does 'percentile' mean?

Learn what percentile means on, how it reflects your rating, and where to find your percentile for each game type.

Updated yesterday


Percentile is a statistical term that describes the percentage of a group that falls at or below a certain level—in this case, your rating.

You can view your percentile for each game type on your Stats page.

An image of NM SamCopeland's stats page on highlighting his Percentile in Bullet

This number shows the percentage of members who have a rating equal to or lower than yours.

For example, in the image above, NM Sam Copeland is in the 99th percentile for Bullet, meaning he has a higher rating than 99% of members.

Another way to think of percentile is as the percentage of people on whom you are better than!

Your percentile varies for each game type. You can select what type of game you want to see the percentile of by using the drop-down menu next to the game type.

Why can’t I see my percentile?

To see your percentile on your Stats page, make sure your account meets the following requirements:



Account age and activity

  • Your account must be at least 7 days old.

  • You need to have played 20 games of the specific game type, with at least one game in the past 90 days. For instance, if you haven’t played a blitz game in 90 days, you will be removed from the blitz leaderboard until you play again.

Account status

  • Accounts need to be activated to appear on the leaderboard.

  • Closed accounts do not appear on leaderboards.

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