How to cancel your subscription
Canceling a subscription stops all future payments. By following the steps below, you’ll prevent your membership from renewing. Your membership will stay active until the end of the current paid period, after which it won't renew. Once the paid period ends, your account will automatically switch to the free, basic plan.
If you've been charged and want a refund, check out this article: How can I get a refund for my membership?
Go to Settings from the menu at the bottom left of any page on
From the settings menu, select 'Membership/Payment' and click on 'Manage Account'
Click 'Cancel My Membership' in the next two screens to apply the changes.
Please note that you must also cancel the renewal from within your PayPal or Apple account. Here are the steps:
Click here to go to your subscriptions page on the iTunes Store
From the list of your active subscriptions, choose
At the bottom of the screen, tap 'Cancel Subscription.' You'll also see the last day you'll have access to your subscription.
Go to and make sure you are logged into the correct Google Account
Click 'My Subscriptions' and select the subscription you want to cancel
Click 'Manage'
Cancel Subscription
Within the confirmation pop-up, click 'Yes.'
Cancelling a subscription on a closed account
If your account is disabled and you have an active premium subscription you want to cancel, please contact our Support team with your account details. Our team will be happy to assist you!
Read our full subscriber agreement here: User Agreement.